

        作者:董經理1333???3??? 更新時間:2022-09-05 點擊數:



          1、生產速度快 由于用純氧吹煉,就會高速降碳,快速提溫,大大縮短冶煉時間。一座300t轉爐吹煉時間不到20min,包括輔助工作時間在內,一共不超過1h。
          3、基建投資和生產費用低 純氧頂吹轉爐的基建投資相當于同樣生產量的平爐車間的60~70%,生產費用也低于平爐。


        Basic oxygen steelmaking (BOS, BOF, Linz-Donawitz-Verfahren, LD-converter) is a method of primary steelmaking in which carbon-rich molten pig iron is made into steel. The LD-converter is named after the Austrian placenames Linz and Donawitz (a district of Leoben). The vast majority of steel manufactured in the world is produced using the basic oxygen furnace. Modern furnaces will take a charge of iron of up to 350 tons and convert it into steel in less than 40 minutes. The LD converter is a refined version of the Bessemer converter where blowing of air is replaced with blowing oxygen.

        Blowing oxygen through molten pig iron lowers the carbon content of the alloy and changes it into low-carbon steel.

        The process is known as basic due to the pH of the refractories - calcium oxide and magnesium oxide - that line the vessel to withstand the high temperature of molten metal.

        Basic oxygen steelmaking (BOS, BOF, Linz-Donawitz-Verfahren, LD-converter) is a method of primary steelmaking in which carbon-rich molten pig iron is made into steel. The LD-converter is named after the Austrian placenames Linz and Donawitz (a district of Leoben). The vast majority of steel manufactured in the world is produced using the basic oxygen furnace. Modern furnaces will take a charge of iron of up to 350 tons and convert it into steel in less than 40 minutes. The LD converter is a refined version of the Bessemer converter where blowing of air is replaced with blowing oxygen.

        Blowing oxygen through molten pig iron lowers the carbon content of the alloy and changes it into low-carbon steel.

        The process is known as basic due to the pH of the refractories - calcium oxide and magnesium oxide - that line the vessel to withstand the high temperature of molten metal.

        The first basic oxygen steelmaking process was the LD process developed in 1952 by voestalpine AG in Linz, Austria.[2] Some major steelmaking companies in the US did not convert to this process for some years, with the last Bessemer converter still operating commercially until 1968. The LD process replaced both the previously common Siemens-Martin process, also known as the open-hearth process, and the Bessemer process. European companies replaced open hearth furnaces with BOF rapidly after WWII, but US companies were reluctant to give up the old and tried open hearths. The first company in the U.S. to use this type of furnace was McLouth Steel in Trenton, Michigan.

        The first BOF in North America was installed at Dofasco in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.


        Tag: 純氧 頂吹 轉爐 煉鋼法 鋼管生產技術 鋼管廠 無縫鋼管 冷軋精密鋼管 冷拔無縫管 冷拔精密鋼管 煉鋼技術

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